Join With a Terrible Fate for a Discussion of Hero’s Purpose: Episode Six with its Creator!
With a Terrible Fate sits down for a second live conversation with the creator of Legend of Zelda: Hero's Purpose, this Sunday!
With a Terrible Fate sits down for a second live conversation with the creator of Legend of Zelda: Hero's Purpose, this Sunday!
From Pyramid Head to Ganondorf to Sister Friede, unlock new ways to love and hate bosses in With a Terrible Fate's lecture at PAX East!
With a Terrible Fate invites you to a PAX West 2023 panel on Pokémon, JRPGs, and what we do when we talk about video game stories!
Tune into With a Terrible Fate's Twitch channel on April 20th at 7p ET for a live conversation with Sean McGarry, creator of Hero's Purpose!
Join the authors of the Leibnizian, Platonic, and Wittgensteinian readings of Xenoblade Chronicles in a panel on the series' storytelling!
This Labor Day weekend, join the analysts of With a Terrible Fate for a live and streamed study of Final Fantasy VII at PAX West!
Join With a Terrible Fate at PAX East 2022 on Thursday, April 21st, for a panel exploring the storytelling of Elden Ring!
Join With a Terrible Fate for two free online panels at PAX Aus this weekend, exploring the ethical and analytical dimensions of video-game storytelling.
Listen to a brief update concerning the future trajectory of our audio content about the analysis of video-game storytelling.
Join With a Terrible Fate for panels on horror storytelling and video game canons at PAX West 2021, September 3rd-5th.