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You Only Launch Once: What Game Consoles’ First Titles Need to Succeed
It takes a special kind of game to initiate players into a brand-new console. Here's everything it takes for launch games to succeed.
Explore all of With a Terrible Fate’s articles analyzing the stories of video games, as well as the philosophy of video-game storytelling.
It takes a special kind of game to initiate players into a brand-new console. Here's everything it takes for launch games to succeed.
We ask our analysts to recount the most frightening moments in their personal gaming history.
A case study in how Tokyo Jungle elevated the storytelling of arcade games.
Monsters? They looked like monsters to you?
Gamers shouldn't be satisfied with inefficient storytelling. Here's how film editing can enhance the ways we think about video games.
A close examination of the Zelda series reveals a missing story that needs to be told.
How journalists gave up their integrity to make a point about social justice that had nothing to do with the game they were discussing.
There's more value to in-game relationships than stereotypes suggest.
Not all forms of media are equally able to retell ancient myths. Here's why video games are the right choice.
In your restless dreams, you see that town. Do you see it belonging in the Video Game Canon?