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Hero of Time: Chapter 1
Read the first chapter of an analytically grounded, fan-written story that bridges the gap between Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess.
Read the first chapter of an analytically grounded, fan-written story that bridges the gap between Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess.
What do NieR: Automata and Rear Window have in common? Find out in our latest podcast episode.
Why develop a canon for video-game storytelling? Watch With a Terrible Fate discuss this at PAX East, along with a debate about Paper Mario.
How can works of fan fiction empower all fans of a series to see it in a new light? With a Terrible Fate took to PAX East to find out.
In a decade that gave us a library of games about orphans, EarthBound reminded us how important fathers are to their sons.
Casual talks, reviews, and academic papers are all parts of a unified strategy for analyzing games.
A study in how a sequel can change the meaning of an original—not always for the better.
How Dark Souls committed an act of genius by building a world where Dark Souls IV is impossible.
Big changes are coming to With a Terrible Fate. Learn about them all here.