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Final Fantasy VII Remake is the Template for “Grown-Up” JRPGs
Final Fantasy VII Remake's storytelling makes JRPGs more accessible to adults—along with a new postgame model, "The Chadley Interpretation."
Final Fantasy VII Remake's storytelling makes JRPGs more accessible to adults—along with a new postgame model, "The Chadley Interpretation."
Meet Adam Bierstedt, With a Terrible Fate's resident historian, and learn what video games have in common with a 14th-century manuscript.
Getting the platinum trophy in Final Fantasy VII Remake doesn't just add playtime to the game: it also changes how we understand the story.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories set the tone for the form and content of the series. Does it hold up as one of gaming's great stories?
The Witness is an icon of minimalist video-game storytelling. But when—and how—can minimalism go too far?