In Seattle for PAX West this weekend? Obsessed with the stories of video games? The With a Terrible Fate crew is in town: we’re giving two panels and want you to join the conversation!

Read on for info on your two chances to dive deep into the stories of video games with us.

Argue With Us: Which Games Belong in the Video Game Canon?

Hippogriff Theatre, Friday 8/31 9:30pm-10:30pm (tonight!)

Literature, philosophy, religion: every discipline has a canon, a set of texts you need to read to understand and appreciate what is going on. What about the Video Game Canon—the video games you just HAVE to play in order to understand and appreciate how video games tell stories? Join the game analysts of With a Terrible Fate as we argue about whether one game of the audience’s choosing—Dishonored, The Witcher 3, Mass Effect 1, Batman: Arkham Asylum, or Chrono Trigger—belongs in the Video Game Canon.

This panel is all about our ongoing article series in which we determine which video games have influenced the medium’s storytelling in landmark ways. Want to whet your appetite? Check out these three new articles published today by our panelists:

Sequels, Series, DLC: How Video Games Are Changing Storytelling

hydra Theatre, monday 9/3 11:30pm-12:30pm

How did Breath of the Wild teach us that the Zelda timeline isn’t as important as we thought? How did Bloodborne’s DLC manage to tell a Lovecraftian tale that could ONLY be told as DLC? Video games are developing rich new tools to tell stories across multiple games, add-ons, and episodic content. Join the game analysts of With a Terrible Fate as we dissect our favorite and least favorite series to understand these tools, and to speculate about the next generation of game stories!

If you want to explore the ins and outs of what makes video-game stories so great, there are no two better places to be this weekend. We hope to see you there!

Aaron Suduiko

Aaron Suduiko - Founder and Chief Video Game Analyst

Aaron Suduiko is the founder of With a Terrible Fate and a philosopher of video-game storytelling. He specializes in the impact of player-avatar relations on game stories.  Learn more here.

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