Matt McGill

How are you?

My name is Matt McGill and I’m a neurobiology major with a minor in math (hopefully). I’ve been fascinated by the brain ever since I read an old paper in high school about split-brain patients (you can learn more about that here). I love applying the framework of neurobiology to other fields, which has recently led me into the world of video game analysis.

I was first introduced to video games by my oldest sister when we played Super Mario 64 together. After that, a lot of my childhood gaming revolved around the Nintendo consoles, though I did get a fair share of playing Spyro on the PS1 or 007 games on the Xbox at friends’ houses. It wasn’t until late into high school that I realized the depth and complexity of playing, experiencing, and analyzing video games. It all happened one dark and stormy night when I decided to play an old favorite: Gauntlet, Dark Legacy. I hadn’t ever really paid much attention to the gaming community online; but that night, while looking up a walkthrough about how to find a Runestone in Gauntlet, I found the Youtube gaming community. I watched “Let’s Plays” of games I had always heard of, and l came to love reading theories on these games that people posted and argued about online.

Right now, most my gaming comes from games off of Steam and A LOT of Super Smash Bros. Melee (hmu if you want to play some time), but I’ve also recently been able to play such amazing games as Bloodborne. I’m looking forward to adding new perspectives, both neurobiologically and psychologically, to the work of With a Terrible Fate.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at: