With A Terrible Fate

With a Terrible Fate Podcast Episode 6: Mass Effect Revisited

The following is an episode of With a Terrible Fate’s weekly podcast discussing video-game storytelling from all angles. Find all episodes here.

It’s been nearly a decade since the original Mass Effect Trilogy ended, and now veterans and new players alike are experiencing the story of Commander Shepard and the Reapers. In this episode, we discuss what it’s like to go back to a series after so long, how distance can add a new perspective to your understanding of a game, and how the controversial ending to Mass Effect 3 comes off today.

In our side quests, we discuss Ubisoft’s acknowledgement of politics in Far Cry 6, how developers try to recreate games as they were years ago, and the extent to which our mode of engagement changes based on how many games we play at a single time.

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