With A Terrible Fate

The Drawing Board: Why Analyze the Legacy of Final Fantasy VII Remake?

The following is an episode of The Drawing Board focused on The Legacy of Final Fantasy VII Remake. The Drawing Board is a podcast by With a Terrible Fate that highlights the unstructured conversations about video games from which our analytical content is derived. The Legacy of Final Fantasy VII Remake is a series that analyzes how and why the remake of Final Fantasy VII is a landmark innovation in both Final Fantasy and video-game storytelling more broadly.

Welcome to Episode 13 of The Drawing Board, a podcast by With a Terrible Fate.

Beyond offering another glimpse into the conversations that inspire With a Terrible Fate’s full-length analytical articles, this special “crossover episode” of our podcast also serves as an intimate introduction to the latest analytical series we’re rolling out: The Legacy of Final Fantasy VII Remake.

After playing Final Fantasy VII Remake, Dan and I immediately started discussing the myriad ways in which this enigma of a game had reinvigorated our outlooks on the future of video-game storytelling. The more we talked, the more we decided it was worth developing a new series on With a Terrible Fate focused exclusively on understanding just what made this game so unexpectedly remarkable.

As part of the series’ launch, we put together a formal mission statement setting out what we intend to do with this series and why—but we also wanted to provide a deconstructed perspective on exactly what this game means to us, how it relates to our own histories as gamers and analysts, and in what ways this series constitutes a return to form for With a Terrible Fate.

We’re thrilled to be embarking on this journey with you, our readers and listeners. It’s out ardent hope that you’ll add your own voices to the conversation as this series proceeds. Like any proper JRPG, a conversation about video-game storytelling is only as strong as the party that shows up.

Listen in now:

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